Tech Mom On Call

Advice your mother would give you, if she had over 20 years of computer experience.

Is malicious software slowing down your computer?  Is your wireless network secure?  Having trouble getting your webcam to work so you may video chat with your grandkids?

You can call us when the nerds fail you; when the local store tries to charge you $100 (or more!) to merely look at your computer; or the multi-level marketing company promises to fix all your problems (for a monthly fee and minimum 1-year commitment, of course).  We will remotely log-in to your computer using safe and secure software that will allow us to diagnose and fix your issues.  You are welcome, in fact, encouraged, to supervise everything that is done and ask all the questions you want.  No need to pack up your computer and take it anywhere, much less leave it overnight!

Our Initial Optimization, for only $60, will “whip it into shape”:

  • clean up your hard drive (more space to store stuff)
  • optimize your registry (computer runs better, less errors)
  • streamline your start-up (computer boots up and shuts down faster)
  • provide award-winning FREE anti-virus and anti-malware software

See our Services tab for more information.


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